California 9.30 am - 6.00 pm

Our approach

To successfully deliver complex projects from start to finish, we use a streamlined iterative process, heavily inspired by Human-Centered Design methodology. It allows us to efficiently plan, meet deadlines, and deliver successful results.

Pre-project briefing

The inital phase focuses on communication. The idea here is to get information from stakeholders, and define the vision, goals, challenges and constraints of the project. Here's how we organise it:


Pre-project meeting

Establishing team

Reviewing project idea

Confirming our fit

Team Software Architect, Project Owner, Project Manager, UX Analyst & Designer
Deliverables Pre-project documentation, signed contract
Tools used G Suite, Slack


We actively engage with the project's end-users. We get to know them, understand their needs, observe their behaviours and document all our findings. This crucial phase is dedicated to laying out the basis of all our design decisions.

Defining end-users

Conducting user-research

Aligning with client requirements

Team Project Owner, Project Manager, UX Analyst & Designer
Deliverables User-research documentation, personas, user journeys
Tools used G Suite, GitHub, Slack


With all information gathered from users, we start designing a user-friendly, efficient interface for your product. All design decisions are geared towards the user's needs as well as the project's requirements. That is why we incorporate an iterative cycle within our process, which allows us to adapt with ease to the changing requirements and needs of your users.

User flow diagram

Increasing fidelity wireframes

Interactive Prototype

Alpha version

Sending to evaluation

Team Project Owner, Project Manager, UX Analyst & Designer
Deliverables Online prototype, ready for implementation and testing
Tools used Figma


We choose the right framework to fit your solution. The most prevalent frameworks are Kanban and Scrum. Kanban regulates the amount of work in progress to the team's capacity, using visualisation of the workflow to increase efficiency. Scrum focuses on short development cycles, allowing quick adaptation to changing requirements.

Project Team We assemble the development team to fit the project’s needs. At its core, the team consists of developers, a product owner, a QA expert, a Scrum master, and specialists (e.g software architects, UX/UI designers)
Sprints Using sprints, where relevant, allows us to incrementally build the most value in accordance with the needs of both the client and project. Our team and our clients set up a goal for each sprint that can be tested, inspected and leveraged for user feedback.
Product Backlog We collaborate with project owners to create a backlog in which tasks are organised and prioritised according to user and project needs. The backlog can be subject to frequent change and is inspected after each sprint during sprint review to reflect current priorities.
Development Environments GitHub facilitates dynamic participation and provides transparency for project stakeholders. Our team relies on CI and CD to automatically test, package and deploy any feature based on AWS or other cloud providers.
Kanban Board The Kanban framework relies on two principles: visualisation and limitation of work in progress. This allows maximum flexibility while revealing bottlenecks and blockers in the process.
Team Project Owner, Project Manager, UX Analyst & Designer, Software Developers
Deliverables Product build, Review & changes documentation, Deployment ready software
Tools used GitHub, Jenkins, Jira


Once a version is deployed, we proceed to user testing. Putting our application in the hands of end-users allows us to gather valuable feedback and improve from one iteration to the other. We employ several methods to do this, although here are a few examples of the types of tests we might use with your users.

User surveys User surveys play an important role in user-research as they aggregate users' inputs and help gather a lot of valuable insights at an early stage of the project.
Usability testing We use this method to evaluate a product by testing it on a representative target audience. We observe, listen and take notes as our users attempt to complete tasks, gathering direct input on how they use the system.
A/B Testing This research methodology consists of testing users' behaviours to two variants of the same product in order to determine which one performs better.
Performance tracking To gather all the aforementioned data, we rely on performance tracking tools to help us evaluate the response of users to a new feature and measure its efficiency.
Team Project Owner, Project Manager, UX Analyst & Designer, Software Developers
Deliverables Revised product prototype, ready for release
Tools used G Suite, Lookback, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Optimizely

Support & Scaling

The life of an application does not end when the development is finished. Once the software is ready for production, we establish a team that will work with your team to maintain and support it. We follow the twelve-factor app methodology to deploy the application in an automatic scaling system, such as Kubernetes.

Analytics Reporting

Support Level 1-3

Error Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

Release Management

Team Project Owner, Support Team, DevOps
Deliverables Supported, deployed version of the application
Tools used GitHub, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Sentry, ELK, Graphana